Duties and Responsibilities
Psychologists perform casework with clients and group sessions with children and young adolescents. They provide psychological intervention, evaluation, counselling, therapy, support plans, and multidisciplinary work. You may find them working with parents or school staff. They provide training, reports, and supervision.
$72, 580
A master's degree is the minimal requirement to pursue this career. Certain branches of psychology will require you to have a doctor's degree. For practice, a Psy. D is preferred, while a Ph. D is for those seeking a career of psychological research. You must be licensed and take courses majoring in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, personality theories, and social behavior.
Demand for Career
This career is needed when studying psychological behavior and responses for certain clients. The field itself helps provide understanging into the minds of others.
I am not completely sure whether or not I'd like to pursue this career. It does intrigue me but it does not fully satisy my complete interests.
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