'' Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company.'' - George Washington
This quote is something I agree with. It speaks truth when it comes to which crowd is the better option to hang around. It is better to be alone than around others who will force you to take bad actions. Always choose people you know will respect your opinions. If they force you to do bad things, then they are not worth hanging around with. The best reputation is that of a clean reputation. If you have been force into a bad reputation, it will not appeal. Associate yourself with those of good qualities. If they will improve you, they are worth it. Improve as a whole, do not take any negative actions because there will be consequences. For example, if you start hanging around a crowd that like to disrespect others , then you will not benefit the situation. If you hang around crowds that follow their morals and have good standards, then they are worth hanging on too. Always be cautious and wary of those you associate yourself with. They reflect you and you reflect them. Make sure the reflections are not bad images.
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