'' Right is right only when entire.'' - Victor Hugo
This quote is true. I agree with its message. Something can only be purely honest if it is at its whole. Only then can it be considered right. Honesty is one of the golden keys of following the right. How can something that is only half true compare to a full statement of honesty? For example, if you are speaking to someone and they ask you for a favor and you stretch the truth, it is a half lie. It does not count as being completely honest. Something that is partial does not hold the same effect at something that is complete. You or anyone else will never bring full satisfaction if you tell anything u the whole truth. Another example would be when you do something that is wrong and someone asks you for an explanation and you do not tell them the complete story. You are holding back the truth. You prevent yourself and others of upholding honesty. Right can only ever be right if it is at its full moon. Right can never be a half moon or any other phase. Nothing is ever entire if it is not whole and complete.
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