Presidents day is an American holiday that is celebrated on the third Monday of February. It has long been celebrated since 1885. It was originally a day made for President George Washington as celebration. It was originally called ''Washington's Birthday''. The meaning wasn't moved until 1971. In today's times, it is celebrated as a day of honoring all the past American presidents. You can show your honor and respect on this day by doing many activities. Some may include attending or visiting any president related activity such as reenactments, parades, museums, galleries, etc. Or simply by recognizing the past leaders of America in your own private way. I can show my honor and respect on Presidents day by acknowledging them and learning more about them at home. I can engage on their history by reading books i have about them. Presidents Day/ Washington's birthday is a federal holiday. Even if it federal, each state is free to call and celebrate it as they wish.
''Goodness is the only investment that never fails.'' - Henry David Thoreau This statement is true. You can never go wrong by doing something right. By helping someone you encourage hope. For example, there is no harm in lending a hand every now and then. You cannot go wrong by being selfless. It is better than anything to think of others before you think of yourself. Always help out anyone whenever you can. You may inspire a chain of acts of kindness. By investing good in humanity, you gain the whole world. Goodness will never do you wrong.
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