'' You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right.'' - Thomas S. Monson
I agree with this quote. You can never be right by doing something wrong. Wrong can never be right. You can never go wrong by doing what is right. Right and wrong are like the directions themselves, they will never change. Right will never be wrong. It is important to understand what is right to do. If something gives you happiness and has no negative affect to others or your surroundings, then it is not a bad thing. But if something leaves you with a guilty conscience, then it probably is not the right thing to do. Follow your conscience when you have trouble understanding whether what you are doing is right or wrong. Do not take part in something you know is wrong. You cannot make wrong right no matter how hard you may try. That is why it is important to do the right. Avoid the wrong and all it will put you through. You can never go wrong by doing what is right.
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