Attending a university is a very big part of a persons life. It is one of the things one looks forward to when they come of age and have done their best thus far in their education experiences. Colleges range in many kinds, from specialties to the course classe
s. Then there are the prestigious Universities, the IVY leagues. They are immensely difficult to get into, practically impossible. You must have something very special in you to be accepted into the Massachusetts located University. One of these Universities is Harvard University. Harvard was established in 1636 and is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States. It is a private University. Research has found Harvard having less then a 7% acceptance rate every year. Annually they receive about 40,000 applicants. Of those applicants, about 2,000 get accepted. To apply, you would need an average 4.3 GPA, and a SAT score of 1600 or higher. However, it takes more than impressive scores. To be accepted into one of the worlds most sought after schools, you will truly need to stand out amongst the thousands of applicants.
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