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Showing posts from November, 2017


'' Always do right.''- Mark Twain This quote is greatly agreeable. If you are always making the good proper choices, then you will not have to worry or rethink your choices. By doing what is right you get back more than what you can ask for. You get to feel happy about being a good person. Take the right actions. Make sure it can spread good to others. You know when you chose to do the right because it brings you peace. Follow the right. Never reconsider doing anything but good. Always remember to do what is right. 

Mental health councelor

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES These mental health counselors conduct a series of mental health assessments of patients. They also provide therapy sessions and treatment plans. Some may even run mental health classes and/ workshops. SALARY $26,00- $41,880 EDUCATION You will need a Masters degree in counseling, psychology, and other related mental fields. You will have needed to score a minimum on the Graduate Record of Examination. Degree programs may involve courses such as : cognitive psychology, counseling psychology, and professional arts. DEMAND OR NEED FOR THIS PROFESSION This profession may be necessary because without their assistance it would be difficult for victims with a mental health disorder to cope. No one would be available to guide and assist them in their moments of loss and questioning. REFLECTION I do not think this is the perfect or ideal job for me. It is too simple a job for myself. 

Thanksgiving week

The past week was a week off from school for us students. The last day before break (Friday) I hung out with some old close friends of mine at the mall. We were celebrating her 14th birthday. We had a great time hanging out after such a long time, it was like the old times. The next days that followed I did not do much until Tuesday. Monday was my fathers 35th birthday. We celebrated by going out to eat as a family at this nice sushi restaurant to eat delicious food. My mother gave my dad tickets to go see the lakers play against the Chicago bulls at the staple center as his gift. So on Tuesday after my dad got out of work me and him went to the game. It was my first game ever and I enjoyed it very much. It was a cherish able night to remember with my dad.  Once again the following days had nothing abnormal.. I spent my days at home watching movies, reading and finishing books, and playing with my little sister. Although we wouldn't go out, I still had a good week with my mother an...


STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT ''Develop the attitude of gratitude.''- Thomas S. Monson This quote I agree with for a number of reasons. If you practice developing a thankful character, then you will become a thankful person. You will begin to appreciate your life and the things in it a whole lot more. You start to realize how important it is not to take things for granted. In doing and practicing this action not only do you improve your character, but you improve yourself along the way. Do not be a bitter selfish, and ungrateful person. You have to learn to appreciate everything around you and the impacts it has left you. This is why it is very important to take gratitude in your life as a growing lesson. In life remember to be thankful. Follow Mr. Monsons words.

Kennedy Statement

STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT ''Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.'' - President John F. Kennedy President Kennedy makes a point in this saying. If you are at a good health status, then you will have no other problems to worry over. When you are at good health, your capabilities are endless. If you are ill or not at the best shape, then you might have certain limitations. If you are a person who is not in good condition, you might have trouble enhancing your other skills such as intelligence. You can not go forward with something if it was never stable or capable. You have to be in a good or stable condition in order to grow properly and become a bright and ready mind. This statement speaks truth. Physical fitness pays a big role in a persons capability ...

Greatness at its finest

STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT ''Kindness is the essence of greatness.''- Joseph B. Wirthlin This statement is true. Without kindness and good acts, the world would be an even darker and heartless place. Doing simple acts of kindness can change not only the persons perspective but yours as well. It can change someone's day and mood drastically. It doesn't even have to be anything big. Kindness comes in all forms and methods. Just my making someone smile or showing good manners and respect can change the world little by little. It can inspire others to follow along. If that happens, think of all the kindness that may spread. Together we can spread this happiness if we followed along in committing acts of good to others. When you are kind, you are great. Greatness greatest form is kindness. the only actions worth counting are the good ones, the kind ones.

November 6th 2017

Today it seems to be easy enough. I have a lot of assignments and homework to do though. I have mock presentations tomorrow for a school project. I haven't even memorized anything yet. Ill be up late focusing on that for sure.